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October 2021

Hospitals for Expats in China

Hospitals for Expats in China 150 150 China Access Team

International hospitals for expats in China.

Looking for the best English speaking doctors in China? You are at the right place.

Foreigners and Expats in China can choose from four different types of medical facilities. Public hospitals, also known as government-run. Those are the most widely available and affordable option. Surprisingly, at VIP and International wards you will experience somewhat basic level of English service. However, at this article we are going to check what are the international level privately owned medical facilities. We will cover some of the largest cities in the country. If you have good China expat health insurance plan then most likely you can even get direct billing (cashless services) in those. 

*list does not reflect all international and private run hospitals. Although, the most popular ones in our experience. Based on our research, 81% of foreigner do get treatments in one of the following options.

**below list does not constitute to a medical advice. But rather our reflection of the market on what clinics and hospitals are popular among foreigners in China

  • Shanghai International Hospitals

    Jiahui is one of the most aggressive facilities on marketing. You probably come across their advertising on every expat related magazine or website. Are they good? Yes. Collaborating with Massachusetts general hospital, a lot of their staff are trained overseas. Moreover, there is always an English speaking GP during night time. In most cases, it is a foreign doctor. Hospital down in Gubei area is open 24/7. Generally speaking, this one of the most popular hospitals for expats in China, and Shanghai in particular. 

    They also have a clinic and a medical center in downtown.

    • 全康医疗(浦西) Global Healthcare (Puxi) 南京西路1788号国际中心303室 Eco City, Suite 303,1788 Nan Jing West Road, Jingan District Tel:86 21 5298 6339 24-hr Emergency: 86 136 8188 8833

    Japanese style clinic with two locations in both financial centers (Jingan and Lujiazui). Quite popular among both westerns and Asian expats. For instance, most their nurses are fluent in Korean or Japanese.

    • 上海汇星金浦门诊部 ParkwayHealth Shanghai JinMao Tower Medical Clinic 世纪大道88号金茂大厦裙房1N01(B) 1F, Jin Mao Tower J-LIFE Building, 88 Century Avenue, Shanghai Pudong Tel: 400 819 6622

    One of the oldest chains of medical facilities in Shanghai out of Singapore. At present, they have 6 clinics all around Shanghai. Including brand new hospital past the Hongqiao airport towards Qingpu district. Above all, this is new hospital is one of the very few that has access to certain imported drugs. 

    • 上海盛和康复波特曼门诊部 Sino-United Health Portman Clinic 上海南京西路1376号上海商城601室 Suite 601, Shanghai Center 1376 Nanjing Rd (W) Tel:86 21 6279 8920

    This is probably 2nd most active chain of medical facilities on marketing side after Jiahui. They recently even partnered with a couple of gyms in Shanghai to refer their members for annual medical check ups. Several locations conveniently located in both downtown and Pudong. Most importantly, fully functioning hospital right in the heart of Huangpu area.

    More international hospitals and clinics in Shanghai

    • 上海百诺门诊部 Columbia Clinic Shanghai 上海市静安区南京西路1468号中欣大厦2505室 2505, United Palza, No 1468 West Nanjing Rd, Shanghai Tel:86 21 6327 5599

    Main clinic the one above however they do have a couple of more locations across the town including Orthopedics hospital. Clinic supports direct billing with pretty much all local and international insurance companies. However, other locations and a hospital not yet as they are pretty new to this world. Additionally, some of the most cost effective wellness packages can be found here. 

    • 上海德达德西门诊部 ShangHai DeltaWest Clinic 长宁区延安西路2558号8幢B栋4层西,5层 Building B-5F, 2558 West Yan’ an Road Tel:86 21 22139777

    They also have a fully operating hospital a bit further out of downtown as well as new clinic is opening up in Gubei area. First two are all set up for direct billings with most health insurance companies. Might take a couple of months for the last one to get this in place too. 

    • 上海优仕美地医疗 Yosemite Shanghai Hospital and Clinic上海市浦东新区芳甸路1398号B1-1F(Plus乐坊下沉式广场)B1-1F,No.1398 Fangdian Road, Pudong District. Tel:400 850 0911

    One of the most comprehensive and as a result most expensive check ups in the town. RMB 20k is not a top one, there is always room to add few more scans and get price to RMB 30k+. Clinic is conveniently located next to Kerry Center while Yosemite Hopital is also known as “one of the two private hospitals within inner ring”. 

    • 上海和睦家医院 Shanghai United Family Hospital (SHU) 上海和睦家医院  上海市长宁区平塘路699号 699 Pingtang Road, Changning District, Shanghai Appointment center 400 639 3900 24/7 ER 021- 2216 3999

    United Family has been the most expensive medical facility in the whole China for decades (excluding Hong Kong). Starting from this year their Shanghai locations are going through restructuring on pricing and have already been un-labeled as high cost providers. This is a case for several insurance companies. That means you can enjoy discounts on most insurance plans by excluding luxury facilities from coverage. There are 4 more locations of that chain throughout the city. 

    • 上海禾新医院西医部 Shanghai Landseed Hospital (Western Medical Center) 徐汇区钦江路102号 102 Qin Jiang Road, Xu-Hui District Tel:86 21 6195 7896

    We hear often that Shanghai property price skyrocketed after guys from Wenzhou and Taiwan started buying apartments in bulk decades ago. On top of that, yes – Taiwanese have their own hospital in Shanghai too. This is one of the most cost effective solutions for regular outpatient visits. 

    • 上海申德医院 Shanghai Sun-Tec Medical Center 上海市长宁区虹桥路2281号3楼 3rd Floor, 2281 Hong Qiao Road, Changning District, Shanghai Tel: 86 21 6269 9995
  • Beijing International Hospitals for Expats

    • 北京和睦家医院 Beijing United Family Hospital 北京市朝阳区将台路2号 #2 Jiang Tai Road, Chaoyang District, 100016 Beijing, China Tel:+86 10 59277000 24Hr Emergency Hotline: +86 10 59277120 24hr Service Center: 4008-919191

     This is on of the most equipped privately owned medical facilities in Beijing. They do have several emergency rooms (ER) so night time cases can be handled well too. Bare in mind, that it is also one of the most expensive hospitals in the country and a lot of insurance plans have copayments for coverage here. Direct billing sometimes not available for check ups, dental and physiotherapies with few companies. Except hospital, they have several more clinics around the town (which usually close around 6-7pm) as well as an Oncology Center.

    • 北京维世达诊所 Beijing Vista Clinic 光华路1号北京嘉里中心三楼 3/F, Kerry Center, Guang Hua Road, Chaoyang District Tel:86 10 8529 6618

    Located in the heart of the city, Vista clinic might be a good option for general outpatient visits. Additionally, if you need to see a pediatrician or consider some dental care done. 

    • 北京港澳国际医务诊所 Hong Kong International Medical Clinic Beijing 朝阳门北大街2号港澳中心办公楼9楼 9/F Office Tower, Hong Kong Macau Center, 2 Chao Yang Men Bei Da Jei Road Tel:86 10 8541 2788

    Outpatient services are available daily 9am to 9pm. As the name suggests, quite a few doctors there are from Hong Kong, while most also have lived or been studying/working/trained in Hong Kong. 

    Another international hospital for expats in China that is open 24/7 and that can handle most type of traumas even during night time. Also very popular solution for foreigners planning to start or expand a family as they do have a lot of qualified OBGYN doctors. 

    • 北京美中宜和 Amcare Women’s and Children’s 北京市朝阳区芳园西路9号No.9 West Fangyuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel:400 10000 16

    Exclusive for kids and females, fellow men – we’ve got to find another place 🙂 They have 5 locations across Beijing, 3 hospitals and 2 clinics. Good choice for night time emergencies if you have kids. 

    • 北京天坛普华医院 Beijing Tiantan Puhua Hospital 东城区天坛南里12号 12 Tiantan Nanli Dong Cheng District Beijing Tel:86 10 6703 5566 24Hr Emergency: 86 10 5245 2585

    This international hospital in Beijing handles some of the most complex surgeries and treatments. Very common for them to get referrals from other clinics for cases such as dystrophy, strokes, neurology, etc. Things that smaller scale clinics cant handle or don’t have enough qualified personnel on those. 

    • 北京善方医院 Sanfine International Hospital 北京市朝阳区工体北路13号院世茂国际中心4号楼No.4 Building of Shimao International Center, No.13 Gongti North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel:86 10 6413
  • Suzhou Hospitals for Expats

    • 苏州百汇园汇诊所 ParkwayHealth Suzhou Medical Center 苏州工业园区李公堤路1号10栋203 Room 203, Building 10, No 1 Li Gong Di Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou Tel:86 512 6790 3490

    Yes, Parkway got a clinic in Suzhou too. Surprisingly, with some insurance companies it is not a high cost provider. That is because they are following different pricing model from Shanghai. 

    • 苏州明基医院国际医疗中心 Suzhou BenQ Hospital International Medcial Center 苏州高新区竹园路181号 No181,Zhu Yuan Road, New District,Suzhou Tel:86 512 8083 8800*5800

    Fully functioning international hospital in Suzhou that is equipped to handle inpatient care too. Except Suzhou, they’ve got one more location in Nanjing too. 

    • 新宁医疗星海诊所 Suzhou SingHealth Medical Xing Hai Clinic 江苏省苏州工业园区星海街198号星海大厦1楼 1st Floor, Xing Hai Building, No.198 Xing Hai Street, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu Tel:86 512 67671655/67671611

    Privately owned clinic with two locations across the city conveniently located in both downtown and SIP district. 

    • 卓正医疗苏州湖西诊所 Distinct Healthcare Suzhou SIP Medical and Well Child Center 苏州市工业园区苏州大道西118号苏悦广场北楼N3-01单元 Unit N3-01, North Building, Summit Plaza, No.118 West Suzhou Avenue, Suzhou Industrial Park

    Distinct Health Care is a very popular chain in Southern China. However, it is already present in Top 11 cities all over the country. In Suzhou they have 2 clinics and 1 dental center

    • 苏州新世纪儿童医院  Suzhou New Century Children’s Hospital 苏州市工业园区钟南街92号  NO.92 Zhongnan Street, Suzhou Industrial Park 0512-88176666

    Originally out of Beijing they have a fully functioning hospital in SIP area. Opened a little over 5 years ago they currently only focus on pediatrics care. 

  • English speaking doctors in Tianjin

    • 天津市华达医疗机构-华卫国际门诊 Tianjin Huada Hospital (Western Hospital) 天津市泰达开发区第二大街展望路加孚园一层 1F Jiafu Yuan, Second Avenue, Zhanwang Road, TEDA, Tianjin


    • 天津新世纪国际儿童医院 New Century International Children’s Hospital 天津市和平区赤峰道33号 33 Chifeng Road, Heping District, Tianjin 022-60975151


    • 莱佛士医疗天津泰达 Raffles Medical Center-Tianjin TEDA 天津经济技术开发区第二大街泰达现代服务区C2座102室 TEDA Clinic 102-C2 MSD, No.79 1st Avenue TEDA, Binhai Area Tianjin 


    • 天津和睦家医院 Tianjin United Family Hospital 天津市河西区潭江道天潇园22号 22 Tianxiaoyuan, Tanjiang Road, Hexi District, Tianjin


    • 天津美津宜和妇儿医院 Tianjin Amcare Women’s & Children’s Hospital 天津市南开区水上公园东路21号  21 East Shuishang Gongyuan Road, Nankai District, Tianjin
  • English speaking doctors in Dongguan

    • 环球医生东莞诊所 Global Doctor-Dongguan Clinic 东莞市东城区星河传说IEO国际街区30号1楼  1F, 30 IEO International Block, Dynatown, Dongcheng District, Dongguan
  • English speaking doctors in Nanjing

    • 莱佛士南京诊所 Raffles Medical Center-Nanjing 江苏省南京市中山东路319号维景国际大酒店1层 Grand Metro Park Hotel, 319 East Zhongshan Road 1st Floor, Nanjing


    • 南京明基医院国际医疗中心 Nanjing Benq Hospital International Medical Center 南京市建邺区河西大街71号 71 Hexi Ave, Jianye District, Nanjing


    • 南京环球医生诊所 Nanjing Global Doctor Clinic 南京市建邺区水西门大街283号 No.283,Shui ximen Avenue, Jianye District, Nanjing 86 25-86519991


    • 南京顾泽门诊部 GZ Clinic 南京市江宁区双龙大街1680号 No.1680 Shuanglong Avenue,Jiangning District,Nanjing 025-52176668 17372253440(英语EN)
  • English speaking doctors in Chengdu

    • 成都高新企鹅诊所 Chengdu Tencent Clinic – High-Tech 成都市高新区天府三街219号腾讯成都大厦B座104, 202, 311 Room104 ,202, 311, Tencent Building B, No.219 Tianfu Third Street,Gaoxin District, Chengdu 

    Over 10 locations, not all of them have English speaking doctors so best to contact them in advance for clarifying. 

    • 环球医生成都诊所 Chengdu Global Doctor Clinic 成都市武侯区科华北路62号力宝大厦S区2楼9-11号 9-11, 2F, Section S, Lippo Tower, 62 North Kehua Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu 86 28 85283660 (24h)  86 28-85283638(工作时间) 13982256966(急诊电话)


    • 卓正医疗高新中心 Distinct Healthcare High-Tech Zone Medical Center 成都市高新区府城大道西段505号仁和新城A座11楼 11F, Block A, Renhe New Area, No.505 West Fucheng Avenue, Gaoxin District, Chengdu (028)8416 7266 

    Distinct Healthcare has 6 locations throughout Chengdu.

  • English speaking doctors in Xiamen

    • 厦门思明高扬来福西医内科诊所 The City Medical Consultancy 厦门市思明区湖滨北路西堤别墅1号之123号 1-123 Xidi Villa, North Hubin Road, Siming District, Xiamen 0592-5323168
  • English speaking doctors in Guangzhou

    • 广州贝利尔门诊 Guangzhou Bellaire International Healthcare Clinic 广东省广州市天河区马场路28号富力公园302D 302D, 3rd Floor, Fuli Park, No.28 Machang Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province Tel:86 020 3891 0511 Tel:86 020 2899 3911 Tel:15218818990 (24 Hr Emergency)


    • 广州加美国际医疗中心 Guangzhou Can Am International Medical center 广东省广州市越秀区环市东路368号花园酒店花园大厦5层 5/F Garden Tower, Garden Hotel 368, Huanshi Dong Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province Tel:86 20 8386 6988


    • 卓正珠江新城医疗中心 Distinct Healthcare Zhujiang New Town Medical Center 广东省广州市天河区华夏路富力盈凯大厦1205-1207单元 Room 1205-1207, R&F Yingkai Building, Huaxia Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province Tel:86 20 3809 9090

    12 locations across the city. Additionally, they cover some other cities in the province as well. 

    • 广州和睦家医院 Guangzhou United Family Hospital  广东省广州市海珠区琵洲大道31号 No.31 Pizhou Avenue, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province Tel:400 891 9191

    United Family will be your top pick when searching for international hospital for expats in China. Moreover, they have locations in almost all Tier 1-2 cities.

  • English speaking doctors in Shenzhen

    • – 志浩综合门诊部 Chiho Medical Centre 深圳市福田区福华一路国际商会大厦B座203室 Room203, Building B, International Chamber of Commerce, Fu Hua Yi Road, Fu Tian District Tel:86 755 8830 1498 24Hr Emergency:86 15012963396


    There are 9 facilities across the city of that chain, probably one of the most well developed medical chains that are privately owned in Southern China

    • 深圳维世达胜凯名医诊疗中心 Shenzhen VISTA-SK Specialist&Day Surgery Center 深圳市南山区学府路深圳软件产业基地4栋C座裙楼4层 4th Floor, C Block Podium Building, No.4 Building, Shenzhen Software Industry Base, Xuefu Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen Tel:86 755 3689 9688


    • 深圳云杉云里医院 Shenzhen Yunshan Winlead Hospital 深圳市龙岗区坂田街道云里智能园1栋 Building No.1, Winlead Intelligent Park, Bantian Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen Tel:400 965 5582
  • English speaking doctors in Ningbo

    • Distinct Healthcare Yinzhou Medical Center (Yinzhou) Room 03, 17th Floor, Nanyuan Universe Deluxe Hotel, Yinxian Avenue 1288, Yinzhou District, Ningbo(鄞县大道1288号南苑环球酒店1703单元) Tel:(0574) 8803 0790


    • 宁波开发区中心医院国际门诊 Ningbo Development zone center hospital International outpatient center 宁波市北仑区新碶华山路666号 NO.666 Xiqishan Rd, Beilun District, Ningbo